الأربعاء، مارس ٠٤، ٢٠٠٩

I'm an orphan

Everyone has father, mother, sister and brother…..Everyone gets up early to go to his school. But I don't have mother or father.
I don't have sister or brother. I don't have anyone. I am alone!
I am an orphan!
I get up early. I don't go to school but I like to see the children when they go to their school. I hope to wear their clothes.
Everyday, I dream to be a real boy. I dream to be in my house with father and mother. Play with my brother play station games!
Eat meats and chickens everyday. I know, I am dreaming!
But life with dreams is better than life without anything!
Right, I don't have anything. I hate that underground I sleep in. Because people wake me up everyday early when they make a noise by their steps!
I hate everything in my life. But I still love the life! I still have a lot of dreams!
Is that enough?!
Yes, that's enough
No No, I don't think so!
Anyway, I'm still alive!
In afternoon, I go to ask people to give me a little money. I have my wonderful breakfast which usually consists of bread and cheese
Sometimes, I ask anyone have a restaurant or cafeteria or even café to let me work in. But they always refuse. Because I am weak and still young!
So, I hope to be a man.... real man... to get a job like all people.
In night, I usually don't have a lunch before sleeping. I usually escape from abnormal dogs when they run back of me. I hate dogs. They are ravening animals and they make noises at night.
I don't have a place to sleep in. I usually sleep in underground on floor.
I don't have a cover so that I like undergrounds in winter. In summer, I usually sleep under bridge. I like the sleeping too much.
Because it helps me to escape from my bad life and it gives me everything I want in dreams.
These days, I'm living in rich man house when he picked up me from street. He brought teachers to teach me a lot of things that I missed. I'm learning reading, writing, protocol, ridding horses, and playing music.
Now, I am writing these words because I am so angry. Because the rich man is changing day by day.
These days,he is looking for a woman to get married. He aren't speaking with me for a long time like before, Just hi.... bye. I feel bad feelings. I'm only 10 years old but I have a heart. I am from street but I have feelings. I don't know most of this life but I'm trying to learn. I'm learning quickly that my teachers said.
I'm not furniture in this house. I don't need meats and chickens. I don't care how much meals I take?! I just want to be a real boy. I need a love and care. Because I'm not a doll. I still need father and mother!
I'm still an orphan. I'm getting pains day by day.
And I still don't have a family!
Now, I'm trying to stop crying to finish this paragraph. This is first paragraph is written by me.
Streets boy


بي اس : القصة من خيال المؤلف ، واي تشابه بين احداث القصة والواقع ... ملناش دعوة بقا


Posted by Mahmoud Hafez :: الأربعاء, مارس ٠٤, ٢٠٠٩ :: 0 Comments:

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